
of Life

Dr. Rohan Nagar is a Global Ayurvedic Consultant, Educator, and Health Coach.


We bring ideas to life by combining years of experiences of our very talented team.

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With more than 20 years of experience we can deliver the best services.


With more than 20 years of experience we can deliver the best services.

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With more than 20 years of experience we can deliver the best services.

Discover Ayurveda

Enjoy a healthier, happier life.

My name is Dr Rohan Nagar. Welcome to my website. I’m very happy you’re here. I have been an Ayurveda doctor for more than twenty years, after witnessing first-hand how Ayurveda saved my father’s life. My father was 38 when he was diagnosed with an “irreparable” liver condition. His doctors told him he had less than a year to live. They gave him drugs with horrible side effects, that diminished his quality of life and only made his illness even more painful.

Now, thanks to Ayurveda, my father has just celebrated his sixty-sixth birthday: happy and healthy, with more energy than most people half his age.

That’s why I decided to devote my life to the study and practice of Ayurveda, so the whole world can benefit from this amazing science. Whatever your age, whatever your current state of physical and mental fitness, Ayurveda can make you healthier than you ever dreamed possible. If that sounds like an incredible claim, it isn’t. I’ve seen it happen to thousands of my patients over the course of my career. I want to offer the same gift to you, too.

Why Ayurveda is more important than ever before

Choose your path and I'll tell you.

I have an existing health condition, and want a cure that will cure me completely.

How I Can Help

I’m healthy, and want to become even healthier

How I Can Help

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